Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is It iPad 2 Better Than Android ?

Do you search some reviews about iPad or maybe you are android tablets user and try to find anything about your competitors? Well maybe this lil review will help you, I hope :D .
After it was launched iPad 2 now under the spotlight. Having minimalist design, iPad 2 has extraordinary ability than before. There 7 things about iPad, here they are :
1.    Face Time Feature and Smart Cover
iPad 2 has Face Time feature as video chat. Third application such as Skype also can be used  on this version. On the other hand , Smart Cover on this gadget is pretty interesting because it makes your iPad locked automatically and folded to make ground.
2.     Battery and Display never change
Although the body is slim, unfortunately the battery is still the same as the older version ( about ten hours ) and the screen is same.
3.    Based on ARM Cortex A9 Processor
Dual Core Processor A5 on iPad 2 is designed by ARM Cortex A9. It will make your application open fast , so the application will do the kob fast.
4.    Great Graphic
Seve Jobs sais that graphic on iPad 2 is 9 times better than first iPad. If it’s right, it will be best for game lover.
5.    (OS) iOS 4.3 Operating System
 iPad 2 using the newest Apple iOS 4.3. With this you will get faster safari and iTunes Home  Sharing.
6.    HDMI Out
Although extended connector and you must buy it separately . This gadget has HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) to connect to TV.
7.    iPad 2 has big rival
Apple is arrogant when said “ while the others try to copy iPad 1, we release iPad 2 to increase the limit of competition.” This is not exactly true because competitors such as Android user on Xoom and Galaxy Tab 10 . 1 have some  feature even better than iPad 2.

Well some things maybe will surprised you, but back to basic, nothing perfect in this world, for your satisfaction maybe you should but both of Android and iPad. LoL.

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