Saturday, June 2, 2012

Google Glasses | Smart Eye Glasses By Google

California – Up till now, we used to see in science fiction movie , someone uses an eye glasses with futuristic design that able to show many information . Well, It seems Google wants to make the product onto the real world. Now, the famous IT company is developing an eye glassses called Google Glasses. The simple name but if we see from technology side, this Google’s creation is a stepping stone to the future with ability that so advanced.

Developing called Project Glass will include many facilities and services by Google into an eye glasses,with lens that has function as display screen also has voice recognition as input. Smartphone facilities also included in it, so you can answer or do phone call, send  or receive sms, take picture, display street map, check-in on social network and etc, everything by an eye glasses. The other excellent is Google Glasses able to show information related with object saw by user, for example when user sees the sky then the glasses will give information about weather. Google has released a demo video that show a user wear glasses to everywhere and activities helped by glasses.

Many nitizen said that Google unable to create the advanced product but last February New York Times wrote article that the gadget will be released end of 2012.  But many critism said that the eye glasses will make user get useless information and user won’t care about people, because user only interacts with glasses.

Despite of all the polemic , many people curious with the product because the features really great and when user wear the gadget , they will look like a Star Trek  movie cast.

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