Thursday, March 29, 2012

Swivl Record Your Video On Your Own Camera

It is so sure that you will get difficulty when you  try to record yourself in front of video while you’re all alone, moreover when you gotta move to make poses. But with this gadget , everything’s possible. This innovative gadget is Swivl. Swivl is gadget that act as a cameramen so everywhere you move, camera on this cell phone will following you.

Swivl is consist of 2 parts. The main part is a docking to put your camera cell phone and the other part is a marker that you should on your pocket so docking will always follow you on 10 m radius. 

Deep onto this gadget , it can record high quality digital audio via wireless connection, so it will make possible to record audio without less in quality. The unique of this gadget. It is not only rotate 360 degrees, however it can move up and down vertically 10 until 20 degrees.

You can also connect Swivl on your tripod for  pocket camera video. You can use this gadget with every cell phone with notification, it has thickness more than 11 mm because this gadget is made for cell phone and smartphone, so this gadget can not use for any DSLR camera.

In operation, it needs 2 AA batteries for docking and 2 AAA batteries for marker with maximum time operation is 4 hours on docking and 10 hours on marker.

If you’re interested with Swivl you can get it here and it cost $ 179.

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