Sunday, April 22, 2012

Acronova Nimbie USB Plus Burning 10 Blu-Ray Disc Only On 2 Hours

For small business, best disc copier and external burner is absolute thing. But for now Blu-ray disc copier than can handle high volume still expensive. The price is too high, the performance is slow or combination of both of them.

This situation is ready to change with Acronova from their product called Nimbie USB Plus. This device with connector USB 3.0 can save then burning 100 disc nonstop. Nimbie USB Plus autoloader as they say, able to burn Blu-ray disc 3 times faster than its rival with USB 2.0 connector. On  2 hours, Acronova said 10 Blue-ray disc done burned on autoloader. After burning disc, its autoloader USB 3.0 able to test every disc and separate best disc in separate stacks.

Unfortunately, if you want to buy this gadget, Acronova doesn’t say how much Nimbie USB yet.

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