Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The New Features Of BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0

Beside the new version of Blackberry operating system , BlackBerry OS 7.1 , RIM also done adding many features on PlayBook OS . RIM it will increase public to buy their product that we can said “ their product were unsuccessful in market”, here they are the new features added on BlackBerry PlayBook OS2.0:

1.       New User Interface
There ain’t no many changes in appearance of main menu on version 2.0 with the before. But now use can choose 6 shortcut icons to put on first row in menu. And the icon will keep appear although user move to other  panel.
User also can delete application directly  from main menu of PlayBook with hold on an icon, then click trash icon when it appears.
Multitasking appearance now offers application tab which is running in big size and showing process name under each tab.

2.       Blackberry Bridge 2.0
The modification also happen on BlackBerry Bridge. Now user can use Blackberry smartphone as keyboard or mouse for PlayBook. This thing is make easy when we connect PlayBook to TV  using HDMI to watch movie, so BlackBerry will be remote control.

3.       Contact, Message, and Calendar
On first version of PlayBook operating system, this 3 base applications  that made PlayBook not success. But in version 2.0 RIM not only show this 3 features but also make it more attractive.
This 3 applications are integrated each other through Accounts setting that now on menu Setting. User can activate email , Twitter,Facebook and LinkedIn account.
After that user automatically receive messages for account that activated in Message application.
On Contact feature, user not only can save contact information on email, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, also can monitor newest update status from them.

4.       Support with Android Application
There were  rumors about BlackBerry supports Android. And RIM answer that now user can install application based on Android through App World. Unfortunately applications based on Android available on App World unmarked  specially and mix with others applications for PlayBook.

5.       File Manager
This feature gives easiness for users to do setting about files saved on PlayBook. The Files will be separated into 4 categories, pictures, videos, music(audio) and documents. Also available search feature to make easy when users do searching.

6.       Print To Go
With this features, it makes impossible PlayBook as virtual printer. 

7.       Reading Mode on Browser
With this feature user won’t disturbed by ads and others. And your experience will never disturbed.

8.       Video Chat
Users are able to chat with other PlayBook directly or we can connect it to High Definition TV. And the unique thing is users still able to chat while open another application.

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