Saturday, April 7, 2012

Android Jelly Bean 5.0 Ready in 3 quarterly of 2012 ?

Newest news about new update of Android Operating System Jelly Bean comes with new prediction. Digitimes wrote that Google will release Android 5.0 on third quarterly of 2012. It comes with reason because on 2nd quarterly of 2012 , smartphone has upgraded to version 4.0 got significant changes, the changes includes high class smartphone and mid class.

For now, smartphone with Android 4.0 still about 2-3% from all Android phone. But the numbers will increase with phone uses Android 4.0, and with Android that exist before. Although Android 4.0 will get momentum on 2nd quarterly of 2012. But the market speculation  , Google will release new platform Android 5.0 ( Jelly Bean ), on 3rd quarterly 0f 2012.

With new system release schedule that fast. Getting important note from anonym source said fast change the system maybe not healthy for development of Android.

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