Sunday, May 13, 2012

Knappa By Ikea Digital Camera Made ​​Of Cardboard

California - Ikea the famous manufacture of furniture from Sweden tried to make new innovation with spread wings in electronic market especially in digital camera. But you will surprise because it's not an ordinary camera. It's called Knappa. Knappa is digital camera made ​​of cardboard. 

Knappa has dimension 105 x 65 mm, approximately a little larger than a cassette tape. With 2 AA batteries as resources, Knappa only able to save 40 pictures, beside that the resolution is only 2.3 MP.

Unfortunately this camera is nor for sale. It's free and IKEA gives as promotion of their furniture product in 2012. The main purpose of this camera is giving visitor easiness to monumentalize the goods that they've bought for their home.

Although this gadget is not for sale, this gadget will catch people's attention by its design, function and material. Knappa is made of  folded brown cardboard and assembled with 2 bolts. Inside it, there is a circuit board as " home " of camera censor and USB connector. In front of interface there are on/off  and shutter button. Because it made of cardboard, of course this camera environmentally friendly and can be recycled.

With 2.3 MP on camera resolution, of course the results is not enough. The details won't looked clearly.  but it can be solved by maximize take pictures in bright places. The quality of result is similar with cellphone with 2 MP resolution, no flash no autofocus.

Knappa able to take picture with 3 seconds exposure and processing time each picture is 8 seconds for take another picture. A Green LED will turn on to give sign camera is ready to take picture and it will twinkle when it processing photo. Because it doesn't have optical zoom and anti vibration feature, the usage is very manual.

If the Knappa memory is full ( 40 photos ) , photo transferring is via USB. The full memory is signed with LED twinkles in red. While to delete photos  camera you just need to press and hold delete button for 5 seconds using paperclip. this delete button is in front of body camera.

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