Wednesday, May 9, 2012

PowerPot As USB Charger

When disaster comes, first thing that will be disappear is electricity , whereas electricity is a vital need for us. Without it, we can’t recharge smartphone battery and of course you can watch television. If you’re in this situation, How lucky you are if you have product which is called PowerPot.

This product is not charger which takes energy from sun ( solar ). This is a generator thermo-electric which is easily convert wood or heat source being power generator  5 Watt ( for PowerPot V ), 10 Watt ( for PowerPot X ), even 15 Watt ( for PowerPot XV ).

Via USB 2.0 cable, any gadget easily from smartphone till iPad can be recharged with fire. Very interesting right? Unfortunately, PowerPot still in design level, so you can’t have this now. From source it will cost US$125-500. Preapre your budget, please.

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