Friday, May 25, 2012

Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio For iPad

California – Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio maybe one of interesting choices for you who want stylish tablet keyboard   because this keyboard with Bluetooth as connectivity can serve and fused as cover for iPad. The unique is, Bluetooth  keyboard uses electricity source from heat of sun because this gadget has solar panel that always refill the battery that inside.

Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio is claimed that able to survive for 2 months with assumption for 2 hours per day for usage. This gadget is completed with On/Off feature on cover part. It means, keyboard automatically turn on when the cover is opened  and automatically shut down when cover is closed. Of course this feature will be easiness for us because we don’t need to push the button also this is will save energy.

This tablet keyboard   can be used as iPad Stand  that make iPad can be positioned ( only horizontally ?)? for watching movie more comfortable. Well as source said, this gadget has price US$129.99

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